autographa gamma lepiforum

Aquifoliaceae , Syngrapha flammifera. (Finland) May- early June are probably only migrants. Ruskojäkäläyökkönen - Bryophila ereptricula. 7. Carduus crispus, nov. (65a) the ground colour is deep olive brown; the inner and outer lines violet, the latter double; subterminal line lustrous violet, irregularly waved and below the middle forming a strong W-shaped mark; the gamma mark is pale golden, and the edges of the dark stigmata are, like the inner line, finely lustrous; a pale violet terminal stripe before termen; hindwing bronzy brownish, with broad dark terminal border. Lamium , Glagolka ali gama sovka (znanstveno ime Autographa gamma) je vrsta sovk, ki je škodljivec kmetijskih rastlin.. Opis in biologija. Manchmal wird die Gammaeule sogar mit Macdunnoughia confusa verwechselt. Να ειδοποιούμαι μέσω mail για νέα άρθρα. Science Direct. (Linnaeus, 1758) Galerija fotografija danjih i noćnih leptira Hrvatske, biljnog i životinjskog svijeta te prirode Shepherdia canadensis, Bei der Gammaeule handelt es sich um einen mittelgroßen Falter mit einer Flügelspannweite von 35 bis 40 Millimeter. Slika 3. Yläheimo: Yökkösmaiset (Noctuoidea)Heimo: Yökköset (Noctuidae)Alaheimo: Metalliyökköset (Plusiinae) Tribus: Plusiini Suku: Autographa ← Edellinen │ Seuraava →. ( Linnaeus, 1758) Autographa gamma, gama sovica, noćni je leptir ( moljac) iz porodice sovica, Noctuidae. Sovica gama. Author. Adults of the noctuid moth Autographa gamma undertake seasonal migrations into areas where they are unable to breed continuously. Taxonomically, two new species in the families Gelechiidae and Psychidae are described. Filipendula ulmaria, Recorded all year. Apiaceae , Anmerkung: am 16. Dänemark (außer Färöer-Inseln und Grönland), Norwegen (außer Spitzbergen und Jan Mayen), Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links), [Forumsbeitrag von Tina Schulz vom 4. Novērojuma laiks: 29-Jul-2021 plkst. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links), [Naturkundliches Informationssystem von Marion und Michael Kurz und Christof Zeller]. Rumex longifolius, Plantaginaceae , Potentially overwintering local population might fly fromthe middle of June to beginning of July. Lamiaceae , Scirpus silvaticus, September 2002 von. "Leseprobe aus folgendem Buch, erschienen beim Haupt Verlag: Edelgard Seggewiße «Schmetterlinge entdecken, beobachten, bestimmen: Die 160 häufigsten tagaktiven Arten Mitteleuropas», ISBN 978-3 . The owl butterflies (Erebidae and Noctuidae), often referred to simply as owls, are two very species-rich families of butterflies.Although there are species of all sizes, shapes, colors, and ways of life, the majority of owl butterflies are plainly colored, large, and robust. Viirujäkäläyökkönen - Bryophila raptricula. Verification Grade: Adult: 1. Lamium sp., Beta vulgaris, Trotzdem wurden insgesamt noch 2200 Bilder gemacht. La quatrième de couverture indique : "Le quart de la biodiversité forestière est "saproxylique" (associée au bois mort et aux micro-habitats portés par les "vieux" arbres). Gegen Abend wurde es wieder sonnig. Argus 47, 2001-04: VC64. Alchemilla sp., [1], The species is widespread across Europe and over almost all the Palearctic including North Africa. Quod insectum est magnitudinis mediae. Alnus sp., Dieser Browser wird nicht unterstützt. They hatch after three to four days (longer in cool conditions). The score ranges from 1 (least traffic) to 100 (most traffic). Tuntomerkit: Siipiväli 36-43 mm. April 2020]. R. rubrum, Présente les données générales sur les espèces végétales invasives, leurs caractéristiques, leurs conséquences sur la biodiversité et l'environnement et les modes de contrôle des invasions. Gammayökkönen Autographa gamma. Malvaceae , Amelanchier florida, Urtica lyallii, Kirjovaskiyökkönen Autographa pulchrina. Matteuccia struthiopteris, Eine Gegenüberstellung von Autographa gamma und Autographa mandarina gibt [Axel Steiner im Forum]. Autographa aemula 186. rufescens Tutt where it is yellowish red, with the gamma mark pale golden, also the lines and edges of stigmata, and the whole underside reddish: and ab. The silver Y is a medium-sized moth with a wingspan of 30 to 45 mm. "Qui dibuixa observa; qui observa, coneix; qui coneix, estima i qui estima, respecta i protegeix". T. hybridum, First Recorded in 1869. An estimate of the traffic that competitors are getting for this keyword. Plantago major, Rosa sp., Helianthus annuus, Jäkäläyökköset - Bryophilinae. Emerged . Angelica silvestris, Prop de can Perera, Llagostera, 25/09/16. Plantaginaceae , Latitudo alarum a 30 ad 45 mm est. April 2020], 9.5. The adults mate one or two days after emerging from the pupa and start laying eggs one to five days later. Beautiful Golden Y (Autographa pulchrina) - The Moths of Cambridgeshire VC29. (Lepiforum) Moth and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa ( . NOCTUOIDEA: Noctuidae (Part) Moths Am. Experiments with a two-component sex attractant of the silver Y moth (Autographa gamma L), and some evidence for the presence of both components in natural female sex pheromone. purpurissa ab. Fabaceae , Trifolium pratense, Betula sp., In its outlet there is another small, elongated spot of the same color. Abstract - A system of original automated trapping has been achieved thanks to the light source enclosed inside the trap, making easy the capture of the samples alive and in a good state. Brassicaceae , Spinacia oleracea, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Erysimum sp., Foren. [4] They can reduce crop yields by damaging leaves and are often considered to be a pest. Ce guide est la première publication présentant la quasi-totalité des papillons nocturnes de France, soit une somme impressionnante de plus de 1 620 espèces. de envergadura. On the wing in June and July, slightly earlier than its close relative, the Plain Golden Y. Taraxacum spp., G. speciosa, Species. Trollius europaeus, An estimate of how frequently this keyword is searched across all search engines. A well-known immigrant species, this moth can turn up in thousands under the right conditions, especially at coastal migration watch-points. Diagnose. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. However, figures Odontites verna, Den store sølvhvide skinnende, dråbeformede plet, der ligner gamma fra det græske alfabet, er for det meste ude. Plantago , Species Account. The larvae are about 30 mm long, have three pairs of prolegs and are usually green with whitish markings. Cucullia lactucae (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Engleski naziv: Lettuce . Das Wetter. As stated above, the difference between the Marbled Clover 2401 and the Shoulder-striped Clover is the angled median line on the forewing of the latter. information to add into these pages, just send mail to For further information refer UK Moths.. Davey, P., 2009: Two races of this species have been noted in Britain, one is resident and the other is an immigrant. Ειδοποίηση μέσω mail για νέα σχόλια. Betula verrucosa, Nicotiana sp., Autographa gamma. Viirujäkäläyökkönen - Bryophila raptricula. C. vulgare, 70.107 Epirrita dilutata (November Moth) ID: The 4 Epirrita species are similar. Ruskojäkäläyökkönen - Bryophila ereptricula. Taxonomie (Liste) Taxonomie (Galerie) Sitemap Glossar FAQ. (1972). Linaria vulgaris, In Mitteleuropa gehören die Falter, die man in Städten, in Gärten und an Balkonblumen beobachtet, überwiegend zu Autographa gamma. Autographa gamma. Convergent patterns of long-distance nocturnal migration in noctuid moths and passerine birds. rjavkasto sive barve, z rdečkasto rjavimi odtenki in značilno belo progo v obliki črke gama, po kateri je vrsta dobila ime.. Glagolka spada med izrazite selivce, saj lahko preletava velike razdalje. Salix sp., In spring variable numbers migrate north reaching as far as Iceland, Greenland, and Finland with huge invasions taking place in some years[citation needed]. pallida Tutt, in which the ground colour is whitish grey, with the markings appearing darker and more sharply defined; ab. Identity of "Autographa" ottolenguii Dyar and occurrence of Autographa buraetica (Staudinger) in North America J. Lep. Polygonaceae , Να ειδοποιούμαι μέσω mail για νέα άρθρα. P. gamma Forewing purplish grey, with darker suffusion in places; the lines pale silvery edged on both sides with dark fuscous, the outer line indented on vein 2 and submedian fold, as in circumflexa; the oblique orbicular and the reniform conversely oblique and constricted in middle, both edged with silvery: the median area below middle blackish, containing a silvery gamma; the subterminal dentate and indented, preceded by a darker shade; hindwing brownish grey with darker veins and a broad blackish terminal border: aberrations due to difference in ground colour are ab. Prunus sp., Autographa macrogamma is a butterfly fromthe owl butterfly family (Noctuidae). Rutaceae , 30 a 37 mm. Chenopodiaceae , Collected bulletins containing the three part discussion of the genus Juglans (the walnut). Ribes nigrum, The other 3 species all show a similar range of variability in colour from light to dark grey-brown and in the . Urtica , Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758) Engleski naziv: Silver Y "Cucullia lactucae" 1 fotografija. Base gallery. Panfili R (2020) Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa i Lepiforum e.V. Fabaceae , Salvia leucophylla? Dieses Internetportal wurde am 16. The kidney flaw is bordered thinly silver . Larva pale green, with fine whitish or yellowish, partly double, lines; a straight yellowish lateral line above the white black-ringed spiracles. Verbenaceae [MNA25.1], 85, Larva on Autographa gamma 182. It can occur anywhere in Britain, and in autumn, the breeding population from spring migrants is swelled by further migration. Herbaceous plants including Stinging Nettle, Hedge Woundwort, Common Ragwort, Water Avens and Honeysuckle. In central Europe and the British Isles adults are present in significant numbers from May onwards with numbers dwindling in late autumn as they are killed off by frosts[citation needed]. Arctium tomentosum, Apiaceae , The silver Y is a medium-sized moth with a wingspan of 30 to 45 mm. Galium sp., These names refer to the caterpillars of the Silver Y, Autographa gamma, and the tiny Diamond-back Moth, Plutella xylostella, that also feed on vegetables and other crops but look very different to The Cabbage Moth caterpillar. Jordi Sabater Pi, etòleg, primatòleg i naturalista. Ellis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands This work is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (Text: Axel Steiner). L. thyrsiflora, Syngrapha . Polygonum sp., The example from which this description was made, now in the Tring Museum, was taken in Sussex, on the South Coast of England, and is referred to by Tutt in British Noctuae, Vol. Sonchus arvensis, Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - The Moths of Cambridgeshire VC29. Bestimmung (Europäische Arten) Bestimmung (Aussereuropäische Arten) Allgemeine Diskussion Benutzerhinweise Archive. Triticum aestivum, 49.229 Epinotia caprana (Large Sallow Bell) ws: 16-22mm (BTM, MBGBI5.2), fw 8.-10.5mm (Sterling & Parsons); Jul-Oct; willows ( Salix spp), bog-myrtle ( Myrica gale ); local on moor, fen, heath, moss and gravel throughout GB. Panedes . Chenopodiaceae , Urtica dioeca, Sorbus aucuparia, Larva on Urtica dioica [MNA25.1], 88. Some individuals fly south again to winter around the Mediterranean and Black seas.[2][3]. Sommaire 1 Description 2 Noms vernaculaires 3 Alimentation 4 Activité de nuit 5 Comportement 6 Répartition 7 Notes et références 8 Voir aussi 8.1 Articles . Hieracium umbellatum, Larva on There are several different forms with varying colours depending on the climate in which the larvae grow. blog de flora y fauna de la sierra de guara Huesca Aragón España naturaleza gypaetus quebrantahuesos foto-natura foto foto-natura-huesca Editar Boraginaceae , 2001-2021 W.N. Autographa jota 184. A. fistulosum, Cirsium heterophyllum, Kyläjäkäläyökkönen - Bryophila domestica (2010 uusi) Viherjäkäläyökkönen - Victrix umovii. Liatris sp. Synonyms and other combinations. First is the apparent ability of males to detect and respond to female sex pheromones over impressively long distances, including one anecdotal report of 11 km in an emperor moth, Pavonia pavonia (Regnier and Law 1968), even though females typically produce very . Cucurbitaceae , Leontodon autumnalis, (1983). Synthymia fixa. Viburnum cassinoides [MNA25.1], 91, Larva on They feed on a wide variety of low-growing plants and have been recorded on over 200 different species including crops such as the garden pea (Pisum sativum), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-08-22 23:00:00, Cer mountine, mixed forest/meadow, 380603.43 m E 4939757.83 m N alt 652 m. on lamp, Part I Taraxacum , Several taxa are September 2018 wurden zwei bis dahin hier gezeigte Fotos aus [diesem Beitrag] entfernt [Diskussion im Forum]. Autographa bractea 185. Larva on Factors affecting calling by female eastern spruce budworm, (2001). A very common migrant. Rosaceae , Lysimachia vulgaris, Ειδοποίηση μέσω mail για νέα σχόλια. Lepiforum e.V. Synonym: Astatia semifuscana (Pierce & Metcalfe) Epinotia caprana §1 male form sciurana. Alnus sp., Stachys ajugoides, Artemisia vulgaris, Rhamnaceae , Este blog no se hace responsable de las opiniones de los comentarios de sus lectores. 40: 158-163 [MNA25.1]; Lafontaine & Poole, 1991 The Moths of America North of Mexico. Lupinus sp., Den submarginale region lyses op. Found almost anywhere. Abraxas grossulariata (Linnaeus, 1758) Engleski naziv: Magpie. The difference between the two Shoulder-striped Clover sub-species is the absence of . Convolvulaceae , The silver Y is a medium-sized moth with a wingspan of 30 to 45 mm. Bitte verwenden Sie einen modernen Browser. war in den Alpen sehr berechenbar: Sonnig und am frühen Nachmittag kam Gewitter auf, das sich nach 1 oder 2 Stunden wieder verzog. Description. Grossulariaceae , Identificada per Carlos Alvarez-Cros. S.Balkans, SW.Asia, Turkey, Caucasus, NW.Iran, Afromoths, online database of Afrotropical moth species (Lepidoptera),, Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Publications de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, [AfroMoths] De Prins, J. Silver Y moths can produce two or three generations in a year with a fourth generation when conditions are particularly good. P. lapathifolium, Natural History Museum, London",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Robert C. Venette, Erica E. Davis, Holly Heisler, & Margaret Larson (2003), This page was last edited on 12 May 2021, at 16:26. Schadewald, 1992. Asteraceae [RFEL]. Aegopodium podagraria, HOSTS – A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Calendula officinalis, Description. Noćno svetlo . Please use a modern browser. U. dioeca, They die three to nineteen days after emergence. Larvae were reared on a semi-synthetic bean diet (Zhu et al. 00:00: Pievienots: 31-Jul-2021: Administratīvā teritorija: Dundagas novads: Ziņotāja saglabāts vietas nosaukums Tuntomerkit: Siipiväli 33-41 mm. The score ranges from 1 (least traffic) to 100 (most traffic). C. arvense, The moths fly from mid-June to September. C. palustre, Hieracium , Linaceae , Todos los textos y fotografías que aparecen en este blog son trabajo de David Molina Molina, salvo casos en que se indique lo contrario. Overwintering is rare. Land-use intensification in grasslands negatively affects plant diversity as well as arthropod communities that depend on plants as food source and habitat, with important consequences for the provision and resilience of ecosystem . Cannaaceae , Asteraceae , Autographa bractea inhabits forb communities, forest edges, clearcuts, ditches and other little mown habitats. [MNA25.1], 94, Larva on Yläheimo: Yökkösmaiset (Noctuoidea)Heimo: Yökköset (Noctuidae)Alaheimo: Metalliyökköset (Plusiinae) Tribus: Plusiini Suku: Autographa ← Edellinen │ Seuraava →. production in Cheshire. Click image to enlarge. Kyläjäkäläyökkönen - Bryophila domestica (2010 uusi) Viherjäkäläyökkönen - Victrix umovii. Podocarpaceae , It is designed as a reference tool to augment information provided in literature. The score is based on the popularity of the keyword, and how well competitors rank for it. Keskikokoinen.Etusiivet kirjavat, pohjaväri tummahkon purppuranruskea - vaaleahkon punaruskea - harmahtavanruskea. Males and females of the silver Y moth (Autographa gamma) were obtained from a laboratory culture ini-tiated in 1997 and supplied with wild insects every summer. It is resident in the south of its range and adults fly almost throughout the year[citation needed]. V. uliginosum, Ogrozdova grbica. Seit 2006 wird es vom gemeinnützigen Lepiforum e.V. Syngrapha hochenwarthi 190. Nettle. Während Autographa gamma vom Experten eindeutig erkannt werden kann, ist dem Nichtspezialisten eine sichere Abgrenzung gegenüber einigen oberflächlich ähnlichen, verwandten Arten oft nicht möglich: Autographa pulchrina, Autographa buraetica, Autographa mandarina, Autographa jota, Autographa macrogamma sowie den in Mitteleuropa relativ selten einfliegenden Wanderfaltern . The silver Y (Autographa gamma) is a migratory moth of the family Noctuidae which is named for the silvery Y-shaped mark on each of its forewings. Phleum pratense, Noctuidae : Autographa gamma - This website presents images of British and European Lepidoptera preparations. & De Prins, W., 2013, [BAMONA] Opler, Pavulaan, Stanford & Pogue, [GALEPS] Moths and Butterflies of Georgia and the Southeastern United States, [ZOBODAT] Oberösterreichische Landesmuseum, Zahiri, Lafontaine, Holloway, Kitching, Schmidt, Kaila & Wahlberg, 2013. Forvingets overside er rødbrun til mørk rødbrun i farve og let marmoreret. It regularly visits gardens to take nectar from the flowers. Autographa pulchrina 183. Allium cepa, . Identificada per Carlos Alvarez-Cros. Wikipedia Google Forewing: 13-21mm. Natürlich mit reichlich Badestopps, es drängten ja keine Orchideen mehr. Variation: Autographa gamma er meget variable art, både størrelsen og grundfarve på forvingen kan variere rigtig meget, men det hvide gammategn på forvingen er et sikkert kendetegn for denne art, dog kan der sjældent forekomme individer hvor gammategnet er afbrudt, hvor den så ikke kan adskilles fra to andre danske arter i slægten. Longer titles found: Monarch butterfly conservation in California ( view ) searching for Butterfly Conservation 216 found (319 total) alternate case: butterfly Conservation. Mølene når et vingefang på 34 til 38 millimeter. Fabaceae , [MNA25.1], 89, Larva on Kirjovaskiyökkönen Autographa pulchrina. funktioner sommerfugl. Caterpillar on carrot (Daucus carota) stem, video of Autographa gamma in Hesse, Germany, Alerstam, T, et al. Lepiforum eV - taxonomy and photos; E.filigrammaria (Small Autumnal Moth) should not pose a problem as it flies earlier (Aug-Sep) is smaller (fw 14-18mm) and is confined to moorland habitat. An estimate of how frequently this keyword is searched across all search engines. / This browser is not supported. Malus domestica, Jordi Sabater Pi, etòleg, primatòleg i naturalista. Linum usitatissimum, The wings are intricately patterned wi various shades o broun an grey providin excellent camouflage.In the centre o each forewing thare is a siller-coloured merk shaped lik a letter Y or a Greek letter Gamma.Thare are several different fuirms wi varyin colours dependin on the climate in which the larvae grow. Odrasel metulj meri čez krila od 30 do 45 mm. Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - The Moths of Cambridgeshire VC29. Er ist grau bis braun gefärbt und besitzt wie viele Arten der Unterfamilie Plusiinae eine charakteristische Zeichnung auf den Vorderflügeln, die dem Gamma aus dem griechischen Alphabet ähnelt und von dem sich auch der Name ableitet. Flight: Recorded all year. Photo, and identified by: Zoran Bozovic.Image without retouching at the website. getragen. Autographa gamma. Der er en anden, lille, langstrakt plet af samme farve i dens udløb. Keskikokoinen.Etusiivet kirjavat, pohjaväri tummahkon purppuranruskea - vaaleahkon punaruskea - harmahtavanruskea. (2006)). Lepidoptera Mundi species detail page: Noctuidae, Plusiinae, Plusiini, Autoplusiina, Macdunnoughia confusa Salix sp., The eggs are laid on the upper or lower surface of leaves. Varias generaciones anuales. Entyloma bullosum host plant species, parasite. Sorbus aucuparia, Autographa gamma is a member of the clade Autographa gamma. Last Recorded in 2020. Autographa gamma Axylia putris Caradrina clavipalpis Caradrina morpheus Conisania luteago Cosmia affinis Craniophora ligustri Cryphia algae Deltote pygarga They are whitish in colour and hemispherical in shape with deep ribbing. Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Old records are unacceptable because of confusion with allied species (Emmet, MBGBI 1). Pikkujäkäläyökkönen - Cryphia algae. contents. Find link is a tool written by Edward Betts. Lathyrus pratensis, Individuals migrate into Britain each spring and offspring of . R. acetosella, Totally 94 species are reported here as new to the fauna of İçel Province. An estimate of the traffic that competitors are getting for this keyword. In this paper, 167 species of 21 families are evaluated faunistically. A. millefolium,

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autographa gamma lepiforum