uresiphita polygonalis

The relationship between densities of U. Polygonalis maorialis and emergence rates of parasitoid Meteorus pulchricornis were study. Uresiphita polygonalis (Hübner, 1796) Uresiphita polygonalis ochrocrossa Clarke, 1971 Uresiphita gilvata ochrocrossa (Clarke, 1971) Mecyna polygonalis (Hübner, 1796) Vue générale. Compiled from plates of Hübner, Volume VI - see accompanying document for details. An Uresiphita in uska genus han Lepidoptera. Along a marked wansect 100m long and lm wide established at this time, no seedlings (plants < lyr old) were found. Image: Steve Kerr / CC-BY. ins. Photo Philippe Mothiron. (Pratt, 2011). Indholdsfortegnelse. All early-instar moth larvae plus any superfluous late-instar larvae were replaced on their trees. Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis measured per plant Conant M 1975. Originally a healthy population, the stand was defoliated by larvae of kowhai moth (Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis) in January 1985 and virtually all plants were killed. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 804Uresiphita , p . , Hübn . Verz . Schm . 353 . Botys , p . , Treit .; Dup .; Herr . ... Type , M. polygonalis . Europe . 1. MECYNA POLYGONALIS . ... Pyralis polygonalis , Hübn . Pyral . 25 , 2 , pl . 10 , f . 67 ; f . 204 , 205 . R�partition fran�aise : Nó được tìm thấy ở Thái Bình Dương, bao gồm Hawaii và New Zealand. Defining an ecological analogue as a native insect within the same family as the biocontrol agent excluded P. genistella/Uresiphita polygonalis (Felder) … It is sometimes referred to under the species name Uresiphita maorialis. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/our-science/data/hostplants/search/list.dsml?searchpageurl=browse.ds... Pyralis polygonalis Denis and Schiffermuller, 1775, Mecyna polygonalis, Pyralis limbalis Denis and Schiffermuller, 1775, Uresiphita limbalis, Mecyna virescens Butler, 1881, Uresiphita aversalis (Guenee, 1854), Uresiphita consanguinalis (Guenee, 1854), Uresiphita deprivalis (Walker, 1859), Uresiphita diversalis (Hubner, 1796), Uresiphita extinctalis Caradja, 1916, Uresiphita gilvata (Fabricius, 1794), Uresiphita ochrocrossa Clarke, 1971, Uresiphita orientalis (Fabricius, 1794), Uresiphita teriadalis (Guenee, 1854), Uresiphita villicalis (Hubner, 1826). Ce travail à caractère écologique recense 127 espèces de « macrohétérocères » dans la zone constituant la réserve actuelle. One of the final rarities of the year was a specimen of the Yellow-underwinged Pearl (Uresiphita polygonalis Schiff.) Pyrausta purpuralis (Linnaeus, 1758) Etat des connaissances en mai 2013 - Nouveau Catalogue des Lépidoptères des Deux-Sèvres - Guyonnet Antoine, Lemoine Christian, Thibaudeau Norbert Envergure : environ 20 mm. The relationship between densities of U. Polygonalis maorialis and emergence rates of parasitoid Meteorus pulchricornis were study. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 477... 28 Cnephasia jactatana I 24 Udea rubigalis [ 29 Cnephasia stephensiana I 24 Uresiphita polygonalis Croesia holmiana I 24 maorialis I 23 Cryptophlebia pallifimbriana I 24 Vitula edmands ae Ctenopseustis obliquana I 24 serratilineella ... Outlines the lifecycle of moths and butterflies. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 166Pyralidae Hebe salicifolia Mecyna deprivalis Walk . see Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis ( Feld . ) Mecyna flavidalis ( Döld . ) Lep . Pyralidae Muehlenbeckia sp . Rubus fruticosus Rubus idaeus Urtica ferox Mecyna maorialis ( Feld . ) ... Uresiphita polygonalis Rearing tubes were checked daily and kept at 222C with L16: D8 photoperiod. Una ning gihulagway ni Denis ug Ignaz Schiffermüller ni adtong 1775. Uresiphita polygonalis carbonalis (Caradja, 1939) Mecyna aversalis Guenée, 1854. Uresiphita polygonalis ochrocrossa Clarke, 1971. Photo Philippe Mothiron. Kowhai moth. Soc. Thesis. The kowhai moth (Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis) is a medium-sized moth with a wingspan of up to 27 mm. 2: 1-812 [MNA13.2]; Munroe, 1976 Aucun statut de protection et/ou de patrimonialité pour cette espèce. • Hübner’s Pyralinae, 1796–1813. Hi thx for stopping by, I need a couple of names of any insect or bug you can think of eventually i will incorporate a couple that i like into a game that i'm making. If your domain is listed as one of the sources on any summary, you can consider participating in the "Online Knowledge" program, if you want to proceed, please follow these instructions to apply. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 24... only eight previous locality records for this species in V.C. 1 ) . Palpita unionalis ( Hübner , 1796 ) . 7 ex .: 11-12.x . ( 1 ) ; 13–14.x . ( 4 ) ; 19–20.x . ( 2 ) . Uresiphita polygonalis ( [ Denis & Schiffermüller ] , 1775 ) . I. Mølene når et vingefang på 29 til 37 millimeter (eller en forlængde på 14 til 16 millimeter.) Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 208... such as the caterpillars of the moth Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis and the orb-web spider Eriphora pustulosa, is so high that the probability of an individual surviving through the wasp season is virtually nil, suggesting that ... Aucun statut de protection et/ou de patrimonialité pour cette espèce. In this context I studied the feeding and oviposition preferences ofthe moth for the three most commonly found species of Sophora plants in Wellington city. As U. Polygonalis maorialis has a partially overlapping bivoltine life cycle in the Wellington area, only last-instar caterpillars were counted to avoid overestimating densities by counting the same individual in the following month. Présentation de Uresiphita gilvata : noms scientifiques et vernaculaires, statut de protection (listes rouges, réglementations), statut biologique en France Métropolitaine, données historiques et contemporaines. Name . In New Zealand, Meteorus pulchricornis was first recorded as an accidental introduction in 1996 and has been reported to have attacked at least 29 hosts in nine Lepidoptera families, of which 13 of the host species are endemic. The Kruskall-Wallis test was carried out to examine differences between months. The same species was also the most palatable and preferred when confronted to S. microphylla … Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis is the main defoliator of Sophora spp in New Zealand. PYRALIDAE-PYRAUSTINAE (7): current names. Phil Bendle Collection:Caterpillar of the Kowhai moth (Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis) Phil Bendle Collection:Caterpillar of the Magpie Moth (Nyctemera annulata) Phil Bendle Collection:Caterpillar of the Mahoe Stripper moth (Feredayia graminosa) Phil Bendle Collection:Caterpillar of the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Ces chenilles ainsi que d’autres insectes, ainsi que les graines de māmane très nutritives, constituent la principale source de protéines du palila. Pūtoi … Uresiphita gilvata (Syn. Category:Uresiphita polygonalis. tional Biological Program Technical Report No. BIOLOGY OF URESIPHITA REVERSALIS (GlUENEE) AND COMPARISON WITH U. POLYGONALIS MAORJALIS (FELDER) (CRAMBIDAE) ROSEMARY LEEN United States Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Quarantine Facility, P,O, Box 236, Volcano, Hawaii 96785, USA ABSTRACT. Results show a positive correlation between densities of U. Polygonalis maorialis and emergence rates of adult M. Pulchricornis. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 11The only known species occurring in North America is Uresiphita reversalis . Uresiphita polygonalis virescens is the subspecies found in the Hawaiian Islands . Host plant data and the distribution of the genus will be briefly reviewed . 49: 163-170 [RFEL]; Leley, 2016 Annotated catalogue of the insects of Russian Far East. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 294... Wyeomyia smithi U х Uresiphita , Larval hosts of Uresiphita Huebner ( Crambidae ) Uresiphita polygonalis , Host specificity of Uresiphita reversalis ( Guenee ) ( Crambidae ) Uresiphita reversalls , Host specificity of Uresiphita ... Aucun statut de protection et/ou de patrimonialité pour cette espèce. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Uresiphita polygonalis (Hübner, 1796), nec (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) and Uresiphita limbalis Denis & Schiff., 1775), nec (Linnaeus, 1767) First mention in Belgium De Hennin E. 1922. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 183Uresiphita polygonalis ( Denis et Schiffermüller ) Uresiphita polygonalis Denis et Schiffermüller , 1775 , Syst . Verz . Schmett . Wiener Geg . , p . 121 ( type : env . de Vienne ) . La Réunion : forêt de Bébour ; plaine des Cafres ... Voir toutes les observations. Il a été décrit pour la première fois par Johan Christian Fabricius en 1794 et … All are koinobiont endoparasitoids; most attack young lepidopteran larvae feeding on exposed foliage, although some parasitise beetle larvae. However, if you still want us to remove all links leading to your domain from Plex.page and never use your website as a source, please follow these instructions. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 81Forest and Shade Trees Larvae of a PYRALID MOTH ( Uresiphita polygonalis ) moderate and defoliating sophora at Kawaihae - uka , Hawaii Island . ( Davis ) . General Pests SOUTHERN GREEN STINK BUG ( Nezara viridula ) nymphs increased ... Ang Uresiphita polygonalis sakop sa kahenera nga Uresiphita, ug kabanay nga Crambidae. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 102The first in the row is indeed Uresiphita polygonalis ( [ Denis & Schiffermüller ] , 1775 ) , a rare immigrant Pyralid to the British Isles . It has a data label in black type which simply reads “ Bautzen / Saxon ” , with no indication ... polygonalis (now U. gilvata), but is currently listed as an endemic New Zealand species (Nuss et al. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 314Pyralidae Uresiphita polygonalis ( Denis and Schiffermueller ) Sphingidae Hyles c . calida ( Butler ) Hyles w . wilsoni ( Rothschild ) Tortricidae Cryptophlebia illepida ( Butler ) Cydia conspicua ( Walsingham ) A Defoliation H ... : Uresiphita limbalis, Mecyna polygonalis) er en sommerfugl fra familien af Crambidae. Uresiphita polygonalis virescens (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Hawaii Island, Hawaiian Islands: Hawaii Island, Hawaiian Islands . Volume II. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 88Uresiphita polygonalis Schiff . Lupinus sp . U. Zebronia phenice Cram . 11:33 Markhamia platycalyx U. Kigelia moosa U. Ricinus communis U. Spathodea nilotica U. Stereospermum kunthianum U. ( K. ) Coffea arabica K.T. Pilocrocis laralis ... Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis (Felder & Rogenhofer) Hoki ki te He aha tēnei pepeke? Synonyme(s) : Mecyna polygonalis (Hübner, 1796) Phalaena gilvata Fabricius, 1794 Pyralis diversalis Hübner, 1796 Pyralis limbalis Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 Pyralis polygonalis Hübner, 1796 Pyralis rusticalis Hübner, 1796 Uresiphita gilvata ochrocrossa (Clarke, 1971) Uresiphita polygonalis (Hübner, 1796) Vue générale. In order to examine levels of plant infestation, densities of U. Polygonalis maorialis were assessed by shaking the host plant vigorously for 1 min on a beating sheet. contents. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 45Uresiphita polygonalis ( Denis & Schiffermuller , 1775 ) yellow under pearl ' Uresiphita limbalis Legrand 1966 : 114 Palaeotropical : granitics - Mahé ( 1959-60 ) , Silhouette ( 2005 ) , Cousine ( 2001 , 2003 ) . Questions whether they should be controlled. Uresiphita gilvata (Fabricius, 1794)-Présentation. : Uresiphita limbalis, Mecyna polygonalis) is a butterfly from the family of Crambidae. Phénologie (période d'activité) Chargement des informations... Carte de répartition nationale. Chenille sur diverses Lamiacées (menthes, origans, thym, brunelle…) et plantains. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 14Dr. NEIL HORTON exhibited the scarce migrant Uresiphita polygonalis Schiff . which he had taken at Usk in October 1969 , and Mr. ffennell showed an albino specimen of Rhopobota unipunctana Haw . ( naevana Hübn . ) f . geminana Steph ... Sophora tetraptera was the referred species chosen by the female moth. 1 funkce; 2 Geografické rozšíření a stanoviště; 3 způsob života; 4 systematika; 5 škodlivých účinků; 6 zdrojů; 7 literatury; 8 webových odkazů; funkce. By sampling only five larvae, impact on the population was minimise, as they would pupate soon after and would have not been counted in following samples. Larvae were rear until they die, emerge as adult moths or adult parasitoids emerge. Back to What is this bug? It is found in the Pacific, including Hawaii and New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Europe and northern and southern Africa. Bandol (Var), 8 mai 2013. 4 % in February. https://www.africanmoths.com/pages/CRAMBIDAE/PYRAUSTIINAE/uresiphita gilvata.html, https://nature.berkeley.edu/~oboyski67/Lepidoptera/Uresiphita.htm, https://bie.ala.org.au/species/NZOR-6-78680, https://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0085-56262014000300014, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03014223.2015.1018281, https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Uresiphita_polygonalis, https://www.bubuleps.com/Uresiphitapolygonalis.php, https://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=NZ19820779682, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03014223.2011.592199. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Genre et espèce nouveaux pour notre pays. Chiasmia separata (Druce, 1883) Orthonama obstipata (Фабрициус, 1794) Rhodometra sacraria (Linnaeus, 1767) Trees were separate more than 10 M from each other and were located in private gardens across Wellington city. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 212Uresiphita polygonalis Schiff . ( 1 ) -early October , Burley , Hants . Recorded Abundance and Range of Regular Immigrants in 1966 1967 1967 was an extremely poor year for many species. Last seen V. cardui Total First seen 2,150 January ... Results show a positive correlation between densities of U. Polygonalis maorialis and emergence rates of adult M. Pulchricornis. Russian Far East. New Zealand journal of zoology, 38, 337-341. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2011.592199 Chicago Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 157... 3096 castalis Treitschke 3097 despicata Scopoli 3102 nigrata Scopoli 3105 cingulata Linné 3106 aerealis Hübner 3108 Loxostege sticticalis Linné 3116 Uresiphita polygonalis D. & S. 3118 Ecpyrrhorrhoe rubiginalis Hübner 3120 Sitochroa ... These findings could be explored in detail in order to clarify mechanisms driving host-parasitoid interactions and the relationship between emergence rates of M. Pulchricornis and larval densities of U. Polygonalis maorialis. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 183Uresiphita polygonalis ( Denis et Schiffermüller ) Uresiphita polygonalis Denis et Schiffermüller , 1775 , Syst . Verz . Schmett . Wiener Geg . , p . 121 ( type : env . de Vienne ) . La Réunion : forêt de Bébour ; plaine des Cafres ... If you believe that any of the summaries on our website lead to misinformation, don't hesitate to contact us. English: Uresiphita polygonalis at Seringveld near Pretoria. URESIPHITA polygonalis [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775 Original Comb: Original genus unconfirmed Fabricius, 1794 Uresiphita polygonalis (Hübner, 1796) Lien(s) : Artemisiae Lepi'Net Lepiforum. The moths reach a wingspan of 29 to 37 millimeters (or a forewing length of 14 to 16 millimeters.) Mecyna polygonalis (Hübner, 1796) (Espèce CD_NOM = 785639) Phalaena gilvata Fabricius, 1794 (Espèce CD_NOM = 923081) Pyralis diversalis Hübner, 1796 (Espèce CD_NOM = 416003) Uresiphita polygonalis ochrocrossa Clarke, 1971 (Espèce CD_NOM = 643597) Uresiphita polygonalis (Hübner, 1796) (Espèce CD_NOM = 458457) Sous-espèces. Plants in New Zealand. It is a New Zealand native that is found throughout New Zealand. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 103Mythimna separata Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis Pteronemobius nigrovus Nyctemera annulata Austrosimulium spp. Austrosimulium spp. Listronotus bonariensis Listronotus bonariensis Pericoptus truncatus Apis mellifera Agrotis ipsilon ... Date: Oct 2014 From: New Zealand gardener, By: Kleinpaste, Ruud, INNZNA Description: Spotlights the kowhai moth caterpillar (Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis), which is usually responsible for stripping kowhai trees of their leaves in spring and autumn. Uresiphita polygonalis [[[Denis (awtor)|Denis]] & Schiffermüller], 1775: Kaliwatan sa alibangbang ang Uresiphita polygonalis. In New Zealand, six natural enemies have been reported attacking U. Polygonalis maorialis: M. Pulchricornis, unidentified species of Tachinidae, apanteles sp., Two unidentified species of superfamily Chalcidoidea and Echthromorpha intricatoria. Uresiphita gilvata (Syn. 8p; Milligan R H 1984. Observations on emergence rates of Meteorus pulchricornis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and densities of Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larvae. Nous y … Migrant. Survey of Native tree plantations. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 164Uresiphita polygonalis ( [ D. & S. ) , 1775 ) ( Pyralis ) 211 Spilomelinae ( 57 ) 143. Agathodes musivalis Guenée , 1854 144. Bocchoris borboniensis Guillermet , 1996 145. Bocchoris inspersalis ( Zeller , 1852 ) ( Botys ) 146. Fiche de Uresiphita gilvata dans la Loire-Atlantique et Vendée. Fiduciary Accounting Software and Services. The biology of Uresiphita reversalis (Guenee) is described, and the unpublished thesis of Mulvay on Uresiphita … Mulvay, R.T. 1978. Statuts. Genus: Uresiphita Species: Uresiphita polygonalis Subspecies (2): U. p. maorialis – U. p. ornithopteralis – U. p. polygonalis. 8 % in December, 28. Les cochenilles peuvent infester le Sophora à petites feuilles tout comme les chenilles Uresiphita polygonalis Here data is presented from an experiment carried out between December 2007 and February 2008. 1 funktioner; 2 Geografisk fordeling og habitat; 3 livsstil; 4 systematik; 5 skadelige virkninger; 6 kilder; 7 litteratur; 8 weblinks; funktioner . At the same time the following year widespread mortality and dieback were noted although the kowhai moth was not present. L'Estartit (Catalogne- Espagne), 21 octobre 2014. Uresiphita polygonalis (Hübner, 1796) nec ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) »Suborder: Glossata »Superfamily: Pyraloidea »Family: Crambidae »Subfamily: Pyraustinae »Tribe: Endotrichini. In three-hour bioassay, we tested palatability and feeding preferences of Uresiphita maorialis for Sophora tetraptera, Sophora microphylla and Sophora prostrata. meridionalis Wocke, 1871; Mecyna deprivalis Walker, 1859; Ure Three species, Uresiphita reversalis, U. ornithopteralis and U polygonalis, were collected from seven genera in the Genisteae (Chamaecytisus, Genista, Lllpinlls, Spartium, Lahl1r­ ntl1n, Ulex and Cytislls) and from three genera in the Sophoreae (Sophora, Pericopsis and Bolusanthl1s). Les oiseaux abîment fréquemment les fleurs en venant boire leur nectar sucré et le jeune feuillage est convoité par le Kereru pigeon néozélandais Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae . Kowhai Moth. Emergence rates recorded through studied months were 5. Image: Steve Kerr / CC-BY. 8p ; Pardy G F, Bergin D O & Kimberley M O 1992. Habitat Structure, Resources and Natural Enemies: Their Influence on Population Fluctuations of the Kowhai Moth Uresiphita Polygonalis Maorialis (Felder) ResearchArchive/Manakin Repository. Uresiphita polygonalis carbonalis (Caradja, 1939) Mecyna aversalis Guenée, 1854 ; Uresiphita gilvata virescens (Butler, 1881) Uresiphita gilvata est un papillon de nuit de la famille des Crambidae . Les oiseaux abîment fréquemment les fleurs en venant boire leur nectar sucré et le jeune feuillage est convoité par le Kereru pigeon néozélandais Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae . Retrieved from "https://species.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Uresiphita_polygonalis_maorialis&oldid=5725182" BIOLOGY OF URESIPHITA REVERSALIS (GlUENEE) AND COMPARISON WITH U. POLYGONALIS MAORJALIS (FELDER) (CRAMBIDAE) ROSEMARY LEEN United States Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Quarantine Facility, P,O, Box 236, Volcano, Hawaii 96785, USA ABSTRACT. Home Blog Pro Plans Scholar Login. The Chi-square test was performed to identify an association between parasitoid emergence rates and months. Uresiphita est un genre de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Crambidae. Larvae were brought to the laboratory and rear individually in special multi-purpose insect diet tubes. The aim of this paper is to report observations made on emergence rates of adults of M. Pulchricornis parasitising U. Polygonalis maorialis larvae for 3 months with different U. Polygonalis maorialis densities. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 425... Trigonuncus sarobialis AMSEL ; Trigonuncus similis AMSEL ; Udonomeiga vicinalis SOUTH ; Uresiphita polygonalis ( DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER ) ; Vittabotys mediomaculalis MUNROE & MUTUURA ; Yezobotys ainualis MUNROE & MUTUURA . Etat des connaissances en Octobre 2018 - Nouveau Catalogue des Lépidoptères de Charente-Maritime - Guyonnet Antoine, Montenot Jean-Pierre, West Hazel. Matang nga nahiubos. There have been just four records of this presumed immigrant species - most recently at East Dean (1973), Aldwick Bay (1974) and Wadhurst (2006). Mole dosahují rozpětí křídel 29 až 37 milimetrů (nebo délky předních křídel 14 až 16 milimetrů). Liste des espèces Selon FUNET Tree of Life (12 mars 2020) [2] : Uresiphita gilvata (Fabricius, 1794) Uresiphita polygonalis Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775; Uresiphita reversalis (Guenée, 1854) Uresiphita ornithopteralis (Guenée, 1854) Uresiphita insulicola (Turner, 1918) Notes et références. DL14M1-0020 Pyraustinae sp.

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uresiphita polygonalis